The Physical Representation of the Spirits in the Air
A Moslem Arab once said to me (in a political discussion about peace and the claims of Jews and Arabs to the land mandated to the Jews): "Jerusalem actually belongs to the Christians because they have to come here on pilgrimages to their holy sites." My immediate reaction was, of course, to tell him that he had it wrong, that Christians** don't need to make pilgrimages - that is a basic principle in Islam. Moslems need to make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca in their lifetime to qualify for salvation (heaven) - unless they die as martyrs of Jihad (holy war).** Meaning Protestants.
Some days later, as I was thinking about ways to explain why physical Israel is so important, it occurred to me that there needs to be a physical dimension in religion as well. Most basically we need buildings where we can meet to worship, from where the idea has developed that the church is the house of God. The Jews were commanded to pray "towards their God's Temple" and the Moslems pray facing Mecca because that is where their moon god, Allah, resides.
Ps 3:4 I cried out to the Lord, and he heard me from his Temple in Jerusalem. TLB |
How, though, do the gods (spirits in the air - not the God of Israel), let us people know that they are "up there?" It is by having something on earth to represent them. These are not buildings, but objects. For this reason the followers of Elohim (the God of Israel) are forbidden in numerous scriptures not to possess/worship objects related to gods, viz.
Lev 26:1 "You must have no idols; you must never worship carved images, obelisks, or shaped stones, for I am the Lord your God. TLB |
Our God of Israel does not have an object representing him, but a person, Messiah Jesus. For this reason Jesus could say,
..."Don't you even yet know who I am, Philip, even after all this time I have been with you? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking to see him? 10 Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I say are not my own but are from my Father who lives in me. And he does his work through me. 11 Just believe it-that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or else believe it because of the mighty miracles you have seen me do. John 14:9-11 TLB |
Since the God of Israel is a person, you cannot belong to him unless you've met him personally, have presented yourself to him, have confessed to him that you're a sinner and have asked him to forgive you and to be your God and Saviour, to take control of your life from there on and show you how to live a holy life that pleases him!
Jesus' meeting with the
woman at the well points to the first step that needs to be taken to be saved:
YOU! One cannot be saved by being part of a religion by birth,
tradition, going to church, serving, rituals, a lifestyle, personal understanding
or belief, pilgrimages, feasts, formal conversion, trying to keep laws, studying
at a seminary, yeshiva, etc.
4:10 Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it
is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have
given you living water." 11 "Sir," the woman said, "you have nothing
to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? 12
Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from
it himself, as did also his sons and his flocks and herds?" |
Firstly, it has to do with God's honor since he made a covenant that they would exist until the end of time and the land he had given them would be theirs forever and ever.
3:18 At that time the people of Judah and of Israel will return together
from their exile in the north, to the land I gave their fathers as
an inheritance forever. TLB |
If Satan could therefore wrench Israel from their/our God, it will prove that he isn't all powerful. In our day he is trying to use the Arabs and pressure of conspiring world (global) leaders, including the U.N. to push Israel into the sea by means of initiatives like the Oslo and the Roadmap peace plans.
Secondly we see from what Jesus told the woman at the well about the Jews, that they need to exist as a nation to be instrumental in God's plan of salvation of everybody:
4:22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know,
for salvation is from the Jews. NIV |
Many Christians say, "but the Jews haven't accepted Jesus," to which we have Paul's answer:
Rom 11:12 Now if the whole world became rich as a result of God's offer of salvation, when the Jews stumbled over it and turned it down, think how much greater a blessing the world will share in later on when the Jews, too, come to Christ. TLB |
From this it is clear that we "ain't seen nothing yet" in terms of what's available in Christ - over and above the wonderful things we have already experienced.
It is also important to note that the New Covenant, that now also applies to reborn Christians and according to which they should live (vs. legalism), was actually promised to the Jews.
Ezek 36:24 For I will bring you back home again to the land of Israel. 25 "'Then it will be as though I had sprinkled clean water on you, for you will be clean-your filthiness will be washed away, your idol worship gone. 26 And I will give you a new heart-I will give you new and right desires-and put a new spirit within you. I will take out your stony hearts of sin and give you new hearts of love. 27 And I will put my Spirit within you so that you will obey my laws and do whatever I command. TLB |
Thirdly, the most vital aspect, namely that Jesus is returning to Jerusalem, he is going to live there, not in Washington, Brussels, Rome or any other city.
Zech 1:16 "Therefore, this is what the LORD says: 'I will return to Jerusalem with mercy, and there my house will be rebuilt. |
The Satanic onslaught on Israel, the
Jewish and Jerusalem her capital, is therefore inherently anti-Christ, to
prevent Messiah's return.
Most Christians think no further about Jesus' return than that he comes
back for his Church, his Bride. When one lets your imagination go a
bit further, it should dawn on you that he would again be a flesh and
blood person who would need a place to live. Where would it be? In THE
Church? No, he can't live in the or a church because
THE Church is a spiritual entity, there needs to be a logistical PHYSICAL
DIMENSION. Will it be a compound like the Vatican? Sure, but it will be a
Temple Compound in Jerusalem and he will live in a palace like king David,
not in the Temple!
He will rule from Jerusalem and will it (mostly?) not even travel to the nations, they will come to him:
2:3 "Come," everyone will say, "let us go up the mountain of the Lord, to
the Temple of the God of Israel; there he will teach us his laws, and we
will obey them." For in those days the world will be ruled from
Jerusalem. TLB |
My experience is that
Christians in the nations and their Churches are only concerned about God's
involvement in their lives on a local level of interaction and growth. They
have not been taught that the Christian plan for salvation is totally dependent
on the continued existence of God's HOME TEAM (the Jews) and their HOME BASE
(Israel) to be SUSTAINABLE.
Believers and their leaders
should therefore become actively involved in the absolutely vital carrier
(medium) of God's plan of salvation.
Stand in solidarity
with him, because Jesus won't return before Israel has not been restored
to a format that befits his homebase. At the moment he can't even return
to the Mt. Olives and his Temple Mt. because it is occupied by a moon god
from Babylon.
with God's trauma of having to listen to Islam's disharmonious wailing from
minaret loudspeakers five times a day over his city. These so-called prayers
are a proclamation of Allah's glory (Allah hu akhbar) and his claim of the
Refute world leaders'
attempts to divide and weaken Israel so that she won't be an opposing force
to counter their plans to control the world in a New World Order
Refute the world's overturning of Jehovah's sovereign ruling that Isaac and
Jacob (Israel) and their descendants are the sole heirs of the Promises to
Abraham - that Ishmael and Esau have no part in it.
Ezek 36:5 My anger is afire against these nations, especially Edom, for grabbing my land with relish, in utter contempt for me, to take it for themselves.' TLB |
Jesus will be the eternal ruler in the line of David over Israel and all the nations of the world. Why would He be willing to rule from a kingdom of Israel that is smaller than that of David and Solomon? Actually, if world leaders could have their way, Israel will be left with a sliver of land along the Mediterranean Sea, a "Tel Aviv" state without Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Bless the Name (baruch HaShem), they will not have it their way:
Ps 72:8 Let him reign from sea to sea and from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth. 9 The desert nomads shall bow before him; his enemies shall fall face downward in the dust. 10 Kings along the Mediterranean coast-the kings of Tarshish and the islands-and those from Sheba and from Seba-all will bring their gifts. 11 Yes, kings from everywhere! All will bow before him! All will serve him! TLB |
Jews, except those who
stand on scripture and are persecuted and branded as rightwing by the Israeli
leftist government and media because of it, don't know about the scope these
promises - and the importance of them returning to Israel. It's therefore
our duty to inform and to encourage them. Jesus left us with the great assignment
to preach the Gospel, but there is more to it when it comes to the Jews,
since Israel's restoration and the return of the people to their land will
precede their spiritual rebirth - see
"And All Israel will
be Saved!"
We non-Jews should
realize that it is for the sake of our spiritual and even physical salvation
that Jehovah loves the Jews and care for them to the extreme that might seem
to us to be out of proportion:
32:10 In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded
him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, ... 15 And
yet he rejoiced in your fathers and loved them so much that he chose you,
their children, to be above every other nation, as is evident today. |
Using "Highways to Jerusalem,, as a vehicle to create awareness of the importance of the Jews and Israel in God's plan to save us. The main strategy in this project is to establish (tent) tabernacles as a means to start highways, because it is such a "visible" and versatile way. In fact, it's the Physical Dimension of the project. Everybody will ask, "what is this tent about?" Especially if it has an Israeli flag on top or a big menorah, that gives you the opening to tell them - even set up a little exhibition, (including a map of Israel stretching to the Euphrates!), display a few Israeli products -- especially from the settlements! |
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What a turnover you'll soon have of Israeli products from 1... 10 ... 100 tabernacles! Please folks, visit the Highways site and consider using it as a strategy. Contact me for whatever help or advice you need. Who knows, the "highways" may soon serve as escape routs from persecution!
For His GLORY.